
CLE | Approaching Forensic Evidence – A Roadmap

In-Person | Location: Jury Assembly Plaza


Forensic evidence can be daunting – attorneys are confronted with a wide range of forensic evidence with no or little explanation of how the evidence relates to their case or what the evidence really means. This presentation seeks to provide a general roadmap of how a defense lawyer can approach, utilize, and challenge various types of forensic evidence, even when they have never encountered that type of evidence before. From discovery to jury trial, this presentation seeks to help organize the lawyer’s approach at every stage of the case and help the lawyer determine which questions and considerations the lawyer should be addressing next. Additionally, this presentation seeks to help link the information gathered in each stage of the proceedings to the legal options the lawyer must ultimately weigh.

Speaker: Nicolas Hughes

Since 2008, Nicolas has been helping people who find themselves facing the criminal law system. During his legal career, Nicolas has represented clients in every stage of a criminal proceeding. From trial, to appeal, to post-conviction proceedings, Nicolas has helped people find relief wherever and whenever it may exist.

Nicolas believes that each person's case is like a three-legged stool - a case must rest on the law, the facts, or on forensic science. If the defense team can knock out any leg of that stool, the case will fall apart. Nicolas is hardworking and determined, and will work each client to uncover the facts that will take the legs out of the prosecution's case. Experienced in appeals, Nicolas is in a position to identify, research, and challenge any legal issues in each case. Nicolas has a masters degree in digital forensics, serves on scientific advisory boards, and previously worked exclusively on cases involving forensic evidence. As a result, Nicolas is respected for his ability to understand and challenge forensic evidence not only by attorneys, but by forensic scientists. If there are any weaknesses in a case, we will work together to find them.

Nicolas is motivated by the golden rule, by empathy for the people he serves, and a passion for ensuring that each client's voice is heard.

Forensic Science